United Divers of New Hampshire
United Divers of New Hampshire (UDNH) is a social group for people interested in SCUBA diving. Members of all ages are welcome to meetings and events.
UDNH business meetings will be conducted monthly oThird Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester. UDNH dives occur throughout the year and are announced via their Facebook page.
dues: $30 Individual and $45 Family annually
meetings: "Third Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester"
dives: Annual Dive and Barbecue; various day and night dives.
contact: [email protected]
president: David Caterino
website: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedDiversofNewHampshire/
address: "96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester"
UDNH business meetings will be conducted monthly oThird Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester. UDNH dives occur throughout the year and are announced via their Facebook page.
dues: $30 Individual and $45 Family annually
meetings: "Third Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester"
dives: Annual Dive and Barbecue; various day and night dives.
contact: [email protected]
president: David Caterino
website: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedDiversofNewHampshire/
address: "96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester"